
  • Gut Health Detox

    Gut Health Detox: How to Detox Your Gut Health With Prebiotics and Probiotics

    Your gut health directly correlates to your overall wellness, influencing everything from your immune system to your mood. Unfortunately, though, modern diets and lifestyles compromise your digestive ecosystem. This is why a gut health detox is not just beneficial but...

  • Herbs for Lung Health

    Top 10 Herbs for Lung Health, Clearing Mucus, and Killing Viruses

    Healthy lungs are responsible for more than just breathing - they're central to our overall health and vitality. But keeping our lungs clean and functioning optimally is a growing challenge due to increasing pollution and environmental toxins.  Fortunately, nature offers...

  • 10 Ways Swimming Can Benefit Lung Health

    10 Ways Swimming Can Benefit Lung Health

    When Amy Van Dyken was six years old, her doctor recommended swimming to manage her asthma better. Van Dyken began to enjoy swimming, and she was so good at it that she soon turned professional. She went on to win...

  • How Your Gut Microbiome Influences Allergies

    How Your Gut Microbiome Influences Allergies

    While we typically look forward to warmer weather and beautiful blooming flowers after the long winter, and a relief from the heat and fall foliage at the end of summer, many of us find these times of the year especially...

  • Breathing Exercises to Help Increase Lung Capacity

    Breathing Exercises to Help Increase Lung Capacity

    Let’s talk about lung capacity. There are a variety of respiratory conditions that can diminish the amount of air our lungs can hold. It is also normal for lung capacity to decline gradually as we age. Decreased lung capacity can...

  • Five Yoga Poses for Healthy Lungs

    Five Yoga Poses for Healthy Lungs

    The age-old practice of yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. While a rigorous yoga practice can strengthen the entire body, even the simplest poses can yield lung health benefits. Yoga can help improve lung capacity...

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