Do GLP-1 supplements work?

Do GLP-1 supplements work?

While GLP-1 agonist drugs like Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, and others all work effectively, they’re not without their downsides. From cost considerations to side effects and regained weight should you cease usage, there are better, more sustainable ways to manage blood sugar and lose weight.

GLP-1 supplements pose a compelling alternative. They’re safer, more affordable, and work well in their own rights. At least, so they claim. In reality, though, do GLP-1 supplements work? 

It all depends on the specific supplement in question. We can only speak for our own GLP-1 supplements here at res when we say that yes - they work! 

prebeet® ENERGY+ Prebiotic is the #1 clinically studied and all-natural GLP-1 booster*. It was formulated by Dr. Vivek Lal and his team of double-board certified physicians. The results speak for themselves - participants saw a 400% increase in GLP-1¹ with no noteworthy side effects!*

Learn more about why it’s the #1 natural alternative to Semaglutide below or see it in action yourself by placing your order today. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, what do you have to lose…other than cravings? 

What are GLP-1 Supplements?

Let’s start with the basics of GLP-1 and the differences between popular drugs like Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, and natural supplements. So, what is GLP-1 in the first place?

The Basics of GLP-1: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone produced in the gut. It’s released in response to food intake and has several crucial functions:

  • Regulating Blood Sugar: GLP-1 enhances the secretion of insulin from the pancreas in response to elevated blood glucose levels, helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Delaying Gastric Emptying: It slows the rate at which the stomach empties its contents into the small intestine, which helps control appetite and prolongs the feeling of fullness after eating.
  • Promoting Satiety: It also acts on the brain’s appetite centers to directly reduce hunger and help control food intake.

In saying all this, boosting the production of GLP-1 can be essential for so much more than simply managing diabetes. It aids in weight management and has potential benefits for cardiovascular health as well.

So, how do you actually increase GLP-1 levels? An increasingly popular method is through the use of GLP-1 agonists, which are more commonly known by their pharmaceutical drug names of Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy.

Popular GLP-1 Drugs: Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, and More

Semaglutide is the active compound that makes these drugs so powerful, but as you’ll discover later on, there are a variety of supplements that can deliver similar results without the downside.

These pharmaceutical drugs mimic the effects of GLP-1 to help manage blood sugar levels and promote weight loss. They were originally introduced as a means of managing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

But as you probably already know, they’re more commonly being used as a weight loss cheat code. It sounds great in theory - a weekly injection is all it takes to shed unwanted body fat. No dietary or exercise changes are needed!

While the treatment does work, you need to ask yourself - at what cost? These treatments are incredibly expensive. If you can’t get your insurance to help pay for the drug, costs can be as high as $1,500 per month!

That’s not to mention some of the nasty side effects these drugs are known for. These include gastrointestinal issues, nausea, and more.

Sure, you could learn how to reduce Ozempic side effects - at least to a certain extent. But the biggest issue of all is that should you decide to stop taking the drug, you’ll likely gain back all the weight you lost. 

Introducing GLP-1 Supplements as a Safer, More Affordable Natural Alternative

GLP-1 supplements offer a promising alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, particularly for those looking for a more natural and holistic approach to managing their health. 

These supplements are formulated with ingredients that naturally boost GLP-1 production in the body, without the need for synthetic chemicals or injections. Here’s why we suggest this approach:

  • Accessibility: Available over the counter (OTC) without a prescription, making them easier to obtain. You can even order them online and have them shipped straight to your door!
  • Affordability: Typically vastly more cost-effective than prescription medications, especially for those without insurance coverage.
  • Fewer Side Effects: Generally have a lower risk of adverse effects compared to pharmaceutical GLP-1 agonists.
  • Holistic Health Benefits: Often include additional ingredients that support overall health, such as probiotics for gut health and antioxidants for immune support.

The only question is, do GLP-1 supplements work?

Do GLP-1 Supplements Work, Though?

Just as with questions like, do lung detox pills work, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Like we said earlier, we can only speak for our formulation here at res - prebeet® ENERGY+ Prebiotic. So, let’s look at the specific formulation we’ve come up with after years of careful research led by Dr. Vivek Lal and his team, and then unpack the results we found through clinical testing. 

How Do GLP-1 Supplements Work?

So, how do GLP-1 supplements work? They feature a blend of natural ingredients that promote the body's own production of GLP-1. 

Unlike synthetic drugs that mimic GLP-1, these supplements often contain prebiotics, probiotics, and other plant-based compounds known to stimulate GLP-1 production naturally. 

Resistant Potato Starch

One of the most noteworthy is resistant potato starch. This prebiotic fiber enhances the production of beneficial microbes like Akkermansia and Bifidobacterium, which play a crucial role in improving digestion and reducing chronic gastrointestinal issues. In other words, it makes probiotics more effective.

This ingredient also helps boost the immune system, supporting the body's natural defenses. It even improves skin health by creating a sense of balance in the gut. It’s glyphosate residue-free and suitable for low FODMAP diets, too.

Pure Whole Beetroot

Meanwhile, pure whole beetroot is included as its nitrate-rich nature helps relax and dilate blood vessels, improving circulation and blood flow*. Enhanced blood flow translates to better oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body, boosting energy levels and physical performance.

Beetroots also provide essential fiber and micronutrients that support overall health, making them a powerful component of our supplement.

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)

Methylated B12 is included too as it’s one of the best vitamins for gut health. It helps convert food into cellular energy, supports the nervous system, and puts your metabolism into overdrive. It’s a key component in any weight loss regimen, but it supports your overall well-being too.

The Synergistic Benefits

These ingredients all work in synergy to deliver benefits including:

  • Reduced bloating*
  • Improved regularity*
  • Energy boost*
  • Curbed cravings*
  • Improved metabolic, circulatory, & heart health*
  • Better skin*
  • And more!

Pretty much anyone can benefit from incorporating prebeet® ENERGY+ Prebiotic into their daily routine. But if you’re still on the fence regarding efficacy, don’t worry - we’ve put the formulation to the test.

Here’s What We Found in Clinical Trials

Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder whether or not our GLP-1 supplement works. We wanted to find out just how effective it was ourselves before even considering selling it. So, we conducted strict clinical trials. The results were astounding. 

Our founder, Dr. Vivek Lal, and his team of scientists have dedicated their careers to understanding the gut-lung axis and how it impacts overall health. Their research uncovered the following:

  • 200% Increase in Bifidobacterium: This increase is associated with improved gastrointestinal relief and overall gut health.
  • 250% Increase in Akkermansia: Our studies show a 250% increase in beneficial probiotic Akkermansia, which may enhance GLP-1 signaling.
  • 400% Increase in GLP-1 Levels¹: Preclinical human cell studies demonstrated a 400% increase in GLP-1 levels.
  • 100% Safety: All participants noted that there were no adverse side effects.

As scientists and doctors, we rely on evidence-based data to drive our formula development. This ensures long-term, targeted health improvements across your Gut-X Axis. 

Our direct, open, and honest communication has earned us the trust of thousands of customers. Don’t just take our word for it, though…

See What Real Customers Had to Say!

The results from our clinical trial speak for themselves - but why not hear from real people who have tried prebeet®? There are plenty of reviews you can read over on our site:

“It is everything I had hoped for and more! I feel better than I have in years and I have lost twelve pounds in two months! I love this product and highly recommend it to anyone wanting to curb their appetite while adding energy and a healthy gut! I am so glad I gave it a try.”

“I have lost 11 pounds since I started on prebeet. Did not know it increases GLP-1. No wonder I don't have those hunger spells I used to have, I drink it 2-3 times a day - once with skimmed milk and twice with water. I have not noticed any side effects, plus I am so energetic. Wondering why people don't talk about this more. AMAZING product!!!!!”

“I've tried many supplements to manage my insulin resistance. Discovering Prebeet has been a blessing. It's helped manage my glucose, and my energy levels have been much better. Finding it is easy since it’s stocked at my local GNC. I’ve already turned 3 of my friends to Prebeet already! I can’t recommend it enough.”

There are plenty more where those came from, too. But why not start the journey towards becoming a success story yourself? You can place your order today with confidence knowing it’s backed by our 30-day money-back guarantee. 

That’s how confident we are when we say our GLP-1 supplements DO work!* 

Try res Today!

Our supplements are not only effective but also cater to a diverse range of dietary needs, being gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, and free from common allergens. 

They’re sourced ethically and manufactured in cGMP and FDA-certified environments. They always undergo rigorous third-party testing to confirm potency and purity, too. You can rest assured there are no heavy metals or other impurities in the powder.

So, why not jumpstart your journey to loving the way you look and feel more than ever before? Invest in a proven prebiotic and probiotic supplement today and see how well it works for yourself.

More Ways to Boost GLP-1 Naturally

There’s no better way to start boosting GLP-1 naturally than right here at res. However, we want to offer more advice on how to increase GLP-1 naturally before we wrap things up today. Beyond using the best gut healing supplements ever formulated, here’s what else you can do:

  • Intermittent Fasting: The fasting periods stimulate the body's natural regulatory mechanisms, leading to increased GLP-1 production. The 16/8 approach is a popular method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window.
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods help stimulate GLP-1 release. Aim for at least 20 minutes of HIIT workouts 2-3 times a week.
  • Resistant Starch Intake: Green bananas, cooked and cooled potatoes, and legumes can promote GLP-1 production. Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic, enhancing the growth of beneficial gut bacteria that support GLP-1 secretion. This is less important if you’re already taking our supplement which includes resistant potato starch.
  • Consuming Polyphenol-Rich Foods: Dark chocolate, berries, and green tea contain polyphenols, which are compounds shown to stimulate GLP-1 secretion and improve gut health.
  • Ginseng Supplementation: Including a high-quality ginseng supplement in your daily regimen can naturally increase GLP-1, too.

You can find more tips on beginning your gut health detox in our blog, including the best fruits for gut health, the best tea for gut health, and the best vitamins for bloating. Otherwise, take the first step at res today and see firsthand how well GLP-1 supplements work!

Closing Thoughts on How GLP-1 Supplements Work

So, do GLP-1 supplements work? In closing, yes - at least, ours here at res does. prebeet® can boost GLP-1 by up to 400%¹ as a matter of fact! This could help regulate appetite, improve digestion, and promote overall well-being.* 

But why take our word for it? You can read more about the clinical trials we’ve done over on our website, or filter through some of the many reviews we’ve earned from our satisfied customers.

Better yet, see for yourself what’s possible when you empower yourself with a trusted formulation from a physician-founded company like res. We take our results seriously, and we can’t wait to have another success story in you!

Take control of your health journey with our clinically tested GLP-1 supplement today.


¹GLP-1 boost seen in prebeet® human cellular studies.

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