
How resB Lung Support transformed my lung health: a Registered Dietitian's personal journey

How resB Lung Support transformed my lung health: a Registered Dietitian's personal journey

As a Registered Dietitian and nutrition journalist for more than 15 years, I have educated, counseled, and supported people on how to create the healthiest versions of themselves. My career is my passion, and I am grateful to continue to practice what I love. In addition to being an educator, I value the importance of being educated so that I can live a full life with chronic health conditions. My own personal healing journey has taught me how to advocate for myself, gather and research natural ways to support my health, and the importance of living each day with meaning, purpose, and gratitude. The day I learned about resB Lung Support was a pivotal moment in my life.

Lung health may not always be top of mind, but for someone like me it is something I think about every day. About 10 years ago, my rare, incurable cancer that currently resides in my lungs recurred. Recently I was diagnosed with an immune deficiency (IgG (immunoglobin G) is the most abundant antibody in the blood), that puts me at an increased risk of developing pneumonia. Over the last several years, I have been diagnosed with pneumonia and other infections more than you can count on two hands. 

Read on to learn more about my resB discovery, why I value the product, and the impact it has had on my health and my life. 

My Introduction to resB Lung Support 

In the fall of 2023, I attended the Nutrition News Update Conference, a beautiful, crafted gathering of media dietitians, journalists, experts, and brands that marries research, trends, invaluable social connections, and wellness. 

For me it wasn’t as simple as booking a flight and going; I needed to prepare my body for weeks before traveling. I had a horrific cough, the lingering effects of another bout of pneumonia, and spent the time leading up the conference taking over-the-counter remedies and medicines. I remember being paranoid about my cough and worrying if I would scare others. I wasn’t actively sick, but my cough sounded like I was.  It was my first trip after being diagnosed with immune deficiency and it was a big deal. 

After a presentation about functional beverage sodas for gut health, I met the presenter and voiced my interest in the gut-lung axis due to my complicated health history and the population of people I work with. He told me that he wanted me to meet someone named Dr. Vivek Lal and that he would help connect us. 

This happenstance interaction was the beginning of something I didn’t expect. Dr. Vivek was not at the conference nor was he a sponsor of the conference. He was the creator of a lung probiotic that could potentially help me. 

I didn’t know if the presenter would remember when the conference was over. Albeit he met many professionals and had many conversations, so the odds of him connecting us and reaching out to me (in my opinion) were likely slim. 

Yet, a week or so later he kept his word. He made an introduction on LinkedIn and Dr. Vivek was kind enough to respond right away. Before I knew it, we had a telephone meeting on the schedule. At that moment, I reflected on how grateful I was to be able to attend that conference and excited for our upcoming conversation. 

The Symptoms I was Experiencing 

My immune deficiency and cancer increases my risk of developing lung infections. At the time, I had a chronic, painful, and persistent cough. That year, I had been knowingly diagnosed with pneumonia several times, my only treatment recommendation being antibiotics which were killing my stomach, and the effects were not long lasting. They would work temporarily and I’d be coughing again a few weeks later. 

I also received IVIG infusions to supplement my immunoglobulins but when those levels ran low, I was more susceptible to infection. I knew I needed something more to help support my health. 

When and How I Started and How it’s Going 

I spoke with Dr. Vivek and explained my health history and the things I had been experiencing. He was hopeful that the supplement could help and suggested that at the very least it could reduce the inflammation in my lungs. After speaking with him and getting medical clearance from my oncologist that resB Lung Support was safe for me, I began taking it daily in October of 2023. It wasn’t meant to replace any of my treatment interventions, rather served as an addition. I began supplementing with a half dose and noticed that I was coughing less and sleeping better after about 4 weeks of regular use. 

One year later, I am taking the full dose and am using resB Lung Support as part of my daily routine. It has been an incredible adjunct to my current treatment regimen. Using it alongside my IVIG infusions, healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and sleep habits has provided me with better breathing and, when I do get sick, I have noticed that I am sick for a shorter period. For the first time in two years, my cough completely went away for a few weeks. And this time I was able to clear my cough without meds. (P.S. I do not recommend this. If you are sick, consult your doctor. This was a well-planned treatment recommendation for me specifically and I was followed closely by my medical team). While I can’t always prevent getting sick due to my immune-deficiency, I am grateful to have resB during times of wellness and illness. 

I have had some incredible unexpected benefits, too. Running is a passion of mine and I always feel clear-headed, inspired, and motivated after a run outdoors. But, frequent lung infections make it hard to run without shortness of breath. I remember one specific 5k that I ran with my family in the spring, where I really struggled to breath. Since taking resB regularly, I am able to run without chest tightness or shortness of breath. 

Excessive coughing is hard to listen to. My boys, ages 11 and 9 worry about me often and get frustrated when we are in mid-conversation and I break out in an uncontrollable coughing fit. They have recently noticed that I don’t cough as much and that the times when I don’t cough are more frequent than the last 2 years of constant coughing. I know how grateful and happy they are to see me feeling well and that is my most treasured gift. I don’t want them to think that their mom is sick all the time. Rather, I want them to know that their mom is strong in body and mind and that she will do whatever it takes to stay healthy for herself and for them. 

It might not seem like a big deal, but constant coughing impacts quality of life and can be a major interruption. It can interrupt sleep and result in missing out on events or having to leave. In the past, I have had to excuse myself from parent-teacher conferences, class-parties, sporting events for my kids, dinners, the dental chair and more due to excessive coughing. It’s a mental and physical relief when you don’t have the urge or need to cough. 

The Quality of resB 

As a Registered Dietitian, I know how important it is to find supplements that are rigorously evaluated for quality. Every batch of resB is analyzed for impurities, pathogens, and precision blended according to current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) from FDA-complaint manufacturing facilities. The product is also assessed for heavy metals from a third-party (Eurofins) and is pursuing NSF certification. 

Some of the ingredients in resB were ones that I was already taking to support my health, like turmeric, for example, which has been studied rigorously for its role in reducing inflammation.

Taking resB is super simple. I take the supplement first thing in the morning when I drink my vegetable juice (this is part of my cancer treatment regimen) and take my other supplements. It is a habit that I have created and look forward to in the morning. 

I have never used lung products in the past because truthfully I didn’t know about them.  I have taken other types of probiotics with little benefit because they were likely the wrong ones for me. Keep in mind that we are all unique and what works for me, may not work for you, and vice versa. 

An Invaluable Side Effect 

There was a time when I felt helpless and stuck. I kept going back to my medical team with the same complaints and it seemed like my options were extremely limited. I also did not feel well. Excessive coughing resulted in sleepless nights. I could be up for hours coughing with no relief. Sleep is essential for immune function, disease reduction, overall health, and well-being. Inadequate sleep left me feeling terrible, which made it harder to fight infections, concentrate, be a mom and do my job. 

resB has played a role in improving my quality of life. Coughing less means I can sleep through the night. As a result, I have improved focus, mood, energy, increased immune functioning and less inflammation. 

While I have learned to accept the things I cannot control, that does not mean that I will give up searching for solutions. I simply could not accept that the only way to stop coughing was to take antibiotics every few months. I believe that our bodies can heal themselves when they are given the right environment. Using a product to support and improve your quality of life is invaluable. 

I Would Recommend This Product to Others 

resB is a product I recommend to others as an adjunct to a healthy lifestyle due to the quality of its ingredients, its rigorous testing and science-backed evidence to support its use, and the firsthand experience I’ve had of its impact on my quality of life. I am always trying to find ways to help other people live better. In fact, I created my own private practice, Better Livin Nutrition, to help others become the best and healthiest version of themselves. 

If you are curious about the benefits of resB and whether it is safe and appropriate for you, reach out to your health care provider. It is always important to discuss supplements with a professional before getting started. You want to make sure there are no contraindications with any medicines or other supplements you may take. 


As told to Brittany Zenner by Barbie Cervoni, MS, RD, CD/N, CDE

