
Dive into the world of personalized gut wellness with expert tips and insights on using res prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotics.

Best vitamins for bloating

Best vitamins for bloating

From that uncomfortable feeling of fullness to a rounder, fuller appearance, bloating can take a toll on not just the way you feel but how you feel about yourself.  You’ve tried everything, from si...

Best Tea for Gut Health

Best tea for gut health: soothe discomfort and improve microbiome with these top picks!

Whether you’re experiencing digestive problems or simply want to support a better gut microbiome given its role in overall health, adding the best gut health tea to your wellness regimen can have p...

What Fruits Are Good for Gut Health

What fruits are good for gut health? Overview of the best fruits for gut health

Your gut is the foundation of your physical and mental wellbeing, influencing everything from how you think to how you feel. More than 70% of the immune system lives in the gut, and the gut-brain a...

Best Vitamins for Gut Health

Best vitamins for gut health

Whether you’re struggling with bloating and digestive issues or you’ve simply come to realize how important a balanced microbiome is for overall health, there are many ways you can support your gut...

Do Lung Detox Pills Work?

Do lung detox pills work?

Maybe you’ve decided once and for all to quit smoking, yet, the lingering effects of that nasty habit are giving you grief. Or, perhaps you’re still having trouble breathing after battling a respir...

what fruits are good for your lungs

What fruits are good for your lungs? Overview of the best fruits for lungs

Our lungs are crucial organs responsible for oxygenating our bodies and removing carbon dioxide, making their health an important factor in our overall well-being.  But we don't often think of lung...

How Much of Your Immune System is In Your Gut?

How much of your immune system is in your gut?

You may know that your immune system and your gut are closely linked, as this is known as the Gut-Immune Connection. But, just how much of your immune system is in your gut exactly - and what does ...

holy basil properties health benefits

Holy Basil benefits and health properties

Whether you’re struggling with stress, feel as if your immune function is lacking, want to improve lung and heart health, or are interested in optimizing digestion - you need to learn about the hol...

Breathing Exercises to Strengthen the Heart

Breathing exercises to strengthen the heart

Your heart and your breathing work in elegant harmony to improve health and life span: Inhalations cause the heart rate to increase, and exhalations cause it to decrease, which is called respirato...